Join us for Data Week Leipzig 2025, a data festival for IT enthusiasts! eccenca gmbH is once again co-organizer and sponsor of the 4 days of events around many topics such as of data, digitalization, artificial intelligence or urban development challenges. Don't miss this opportunity to gain insights, enhance your skills and explore the perspectives of industry, society, science and politics on data and IT. We expect to welcome more than 300 participants to the events, that will take place from June 10 – 13, 2025. We look forward to meeting you in Leipzig!

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What is Data Week Leipzig?

Data Week is 4 days series of events in Leipzig with a focus on digitalization in heterogeneous areas of life as well as transparent, comprehensible and sustainable applications. The aim of Data Week Leipzig 2025 is to provide a framework for dialogue between industry, citizens, science and public authorities. The networking and exchange platform already created last year is now to be consolidated in Leipzig.

Under the umbrella of Data Week bundles individual event formats from the areas of research and transfer, which are organized by the Institute for Applied Computer Science (InfAI), eccenca GmbH, ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig and DKSR (The Data Competence Center for Cities and Regions) together in cooperation with the City of Leipzig (Digital City Department), Connected Urban Twins, Competence Center Artificial Human Intelligent (KMI), DBpedia and AKSW.

Meet eccenca @

June 10–13, 2025
New Town Hall Leipzig,
Martin-Luther-Ring 4-6,
04109 Leipzig

eccenca Organizing Committee