AI That's Got Your Back

eccenca Companion provides a hybrid AI enabled solution building platform for the development of ambient AI solutions and digital agents.

Until today, AI has not managed to produce significant impacted in our work environment. This is due to the fact that AI was incapable of empathy, context and establishing trust. 

All this is going to change with eccenca Companion.

  • KNOWLEDGESuperscale your Knowledge
  • TRUSTTrained by your own Experts
  • EMPOWERMENTEnd2End from Analysis to Execution

Based on Knowledge Graph Technology. Building on eccenca's leading enterprise knowledge graph technology (symbolic AI), the Companion is able to understand a business role, the relevant business objects and the impact of changes within the data on the users ability to achieve his or her personal objectives.

Seamless User Interaction. Leveraging state of the art conversational AI (GPT models), it seamlessly interacts with the user, making meaningful suggestions, offering assistance or receiving orders.

Your Personalized Support. But this is not enough to create "trust". This is why eccenca is adding the ability to train the behavior of the Companion, to teach it our personal preferences and decisions models. So that eventually the eccenca Companion allows its users to "super-scale" their personal knowledge with the help of this ambient AI.

Many companies are deploying chat-bots into their applications, but eccenca Companion once again goes one step further. Having been built on Corporate Memory, the eccenca enviroment establishes a realm of standardized semantics and operational understanding. This allows eccenca Companions to seamlessly cooperate to complete complex tastks.

The best part about this semantic standardization being that eccenca Companion can seamlessly cooperate with agents providing functionality sourced from other vendors such as SAP Joule, Microsoft Copilot and others.

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The power of "YOU"

  • Your Data

    The Companion seamlessly connects to all your business relevant internal and external data sources.

  • Your Context

    Semantic models fuse the data with business, domain and process knowledge to deliver relevant insights.

  • Your Knowledge

    Two layers of training allow the connection with your knowledge and data.

The power of "DATA"

  • Proactive Analysis

    The companion continuously monitors data channels and applies your rules.

  • Smart Dashboards

    Context sensitive dashboards provide personalized information that drives efficient decision making.

  • Meaningful Contextualization

    Less is more! The right information at the right time, lean, actionable, reliable.

The power of "AI"

  • Unterstanding Your Context

    GeneticAI enabled technology powers personalized controlled learning.

  • Analyzing Your Data

    Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable data bundled to efficient data products.

  • Applying Your Knowledge At Scale

    Putting your knowledge on steroids by scaling it across every relevant data source 24/7, 365 days per year.