Infuse Knowledge Into Data & Turn It Into Action
Companies are driven by data but built on knowledge. While data has created steady, multiple streams of informational influx for companies, the business knowledge to use this data remains hidden within the people's minds and system code.
Successful companies link data and knowledge to create a data fabric that is self-descriptive so data can be turned into action fast and cost-efficient. They establish a shared understanding of data, provide full transparency on lineage and context, and make data accessible to their teams no matter the source system. Their teams can unbundle the data from its multiple silos, enrich and link it to rebundle it into new use cases. Ultimately, this enables them to automate reasoning and decision making.
- Becomedata centric and knowledge driven
- Automatedata processing and decision making
- Buildan extensible and meaningful data fabric
- Integratedata from multiple sources
- Establisha shared data understanding

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