How to maximize value on your Total Process Automation journey
Is total process automation worth it? YES and it can help your organization get ahead in today’s fast-paced, highly distributed, resource-starved environment. Any organization can adopt and benefit from hyperautomation technology, whether their processes are already automated or not, or their equipment is new or old.
Automating non-commodity decisions requires digitization of non-commodity information. In the case of hyperautomation of business decisions and processes, this information is product, process or industry knowledge as well as experience from many years in the industry. This is the key knowledge underlying every decision in your enterprise.
Thus, in order to maximize value and ROI of your hyperautomation journey, you must consider this knowledge not to be a one-off documentation, but a sustainable, reusable and repurposable asset that will be used across dozens, or even hundreds of automated decisions.
Without reusing knowledge, your organization will remain stuck in isolated incremental IT projects that never achieve synergies and thus will never reach a point where your hyperautomation journey will attain momentum. You will be doing a project here and a project there and you will be building isolated models for each of them, creating more and more cost for maintenance instead of centrally investing into a solid and sustainable effort to manage and copy-paste that knowledge into hundreds of projects.
Without high reuse and repurposing of knowledge, different automation projects cannot be treated as incremental and ROI of the hyperautomation journey will never reach its potential.
We know that you have suffered through lots of iterations with IT projects promising to be the last of its kind. That is why we are not asking you to take our word for what we are saying.We have built and will be expanding on a public asset that showcases various industrial usecases and the way knowledge can be reused across them. In this public demonstrator, we provide the proof that hyperautomation can be achieved at a fraction of the cost of traditional software projects.
Introducing Curry Company to showcase the reusability and repurposability of knowledge in disparate use cases across departments within the organization. In this company, we will over time, be introducing more and more disparate usecases around the concept of planning, sourcing, making, delivering, servicing and recycling food.
The Curry Company is powered by eccenca Corporate Memory which can capture, record and digitize tacit and explicit human knowledge in a way that enables its reuse and repurposing across innumerable similar or varied use cases.
- REUSE85.71% vocabularies are reused
- REPURPOSE98.46% classes are repurposed
- PEOPLEskills / knowledge / privacy
- PROCESSIOT / quality / maintenance
- PRODUCTself-service / complexity management
- PARTNER4-way match / collaboration
- AUTOMATEdata processing and decision-making
- ESTABLISHa shared data understanding
- MANAGEdata schema evolution
- ESTABLISHexplicit semantics for all
- EMPOWERyour lines of business
- VISUALIZEpersonal data storage and use
- SIMPLIFYdecision-making on data processing
- AUTOMATEsubject requests & internal audits
- BECOMEdata-centric and knowledge-driven
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- We at eccenca are all about helping organizations drive scalability, efficacy, and efficiency of processes by helping to automate decisions based on data, digitized knowledge, and AI.
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- See how expert chef knowledge is digitized and used for customer self service
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- How eccenca corporate memory can be used for digitizing maintenance expert knowledge for finding a perfect substitute part of an old machine
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- Process Challenge Part 1 | Curry Company | eccenca Corporate Memory
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- Smart process automation fuses the domains of process management, data and knowledge to digitally scale and automate activities previously reserved for human experts.
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